Monday, July 28, 2008

29 July 2008


Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings (or 55 pound dumbbell swing)
12 Pull-ups

Post time to comments.

Compare to 070327.


3 Rounds
400m Run
50 WB


10 Rounds
10 Push-ups
10 Sit-ups
10 Squats


Rick510 said...

Helen: subbed elliptical LV5 and 55# db

Time: 10:58 (too much time on transitions/rest)

Dennis, if you're wanting to up the metcon then continue following the post WOD, but on heavy strength days go to the hat.

The hat is where you write each of the named WODs on a small piece of paper, fold them up and put them into the hat (or bag, etc). Then when you have to choose a metcon, reach into the hat and pull one out. Do it, then toss that one away. Wash, rinse, repeat until you're out of WODs. Make sure to record your times, subs, etc. When it comes up again, really push to beat your previous time or # of rounds. Hope that helps and keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

Finally got to do a full WOD today.
Unfortunately the only KB available was the 1pd.


TM said...

Yesterday, I opted not to do CFT because I didn't think my knees would cooperate with BS.

So I did pull ups for awhile, was so excited that on my first one I got a bit past 90degrees.

I did 3 rounds:
#55 shoulder press
500m row
15 biceps curls, #10,#15,#20
*my row was without full leg extension, i was trying to protect my knee.

So, see ya friday.

since I am so traumatized by not being able to work out for he next few days. Dennis is placating me be taking me to see Batman!

Matthew said...

10,10,10 x 10 Alt WOD
25 Burpees after

Unknown said...

Did helen in 13:20...slower than last time BUT I increased my Kettle Bell to the 25 lber AND I did all my pull-ups using only 2 bands...was a killer for my forearms. Did you all see that tomorrow is a 15K run? I'm even intimidated by that!

Bill5374 said...

I did it as RX'd but rested too much: 13:22

I brought Izzy and Jose. Both did it with the 1 pood and did well, around 12:30, Izzy had to do his last set with jumping pull ups. Great work guys.

D. Frazier said...

Alt 10 rounds 13:01 I was down to singles on the last round of push ups.

* A true crossfitter doing the WOD in a hotel room. And I have gotten spoiled with the abmat not having it sucks.