Tuesday, August 26, 2008

27 August 2008

For time:
30 Handstand push-ups
40 Pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 poods
60 Sit-ups
70 Burpees

Post time to comments.

Compare to 040825.


Five rounds for time of:
50 Squats
100 Rope jumps

Post time to comments.


Anonymous said...

Now thats more like it! I will be there early in the morning to get this one done. i left today with out doing my 26 burpees, so i did the 26 at my house b/c i did not want to have to make them up tomorrow, guess i could have skipped them.... oh well, gotta have more burpees!

JR said...

Ok, Joe. If that's your story and you're sticking to it - fine. Hopefully, you have some photos or some kind of evidence to show Dymphna. LOL!

I agree. I'm kind of looking forward to tomorrow's WOD. Another first for me... However, 70 burpees after all that?!? Boy, I need to lose some more weight. I hope I can get my butt off the ground after the first 10. :-)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I as I read it I thought, Oh, this isn't too ba... Oh, crap, 70 burpees?

Rick510 said...

1 x 10 x 45
5 x 5 x 130

hspu: 10, 5, static
man-makers: 3 x 8 x 40
burpees x 27
2h db pistol (15#): 55/0/0

D. Frazier said...

Well I heard the garage open and confirmed it was Joe but i didn't go down and watch him I was still half asleep and hadn't had a cup of coffee yet. But I just saw his time 14:07!

tim t said...

main wod


Anonymous said...

A shameful 29:05...

D. Frazier said...

I hate to do this but I am going to take an extra rest day. My wrist/hand is still bothering me and I just have so much to do at home with Rick returning in a few days.

Unknown said...

27:10 using 2 bands for pull-ups & 45# instead of handstand pushups

Unknown said...

i forgot to add a 9mi run this morning

JR said...

Joe is simply wack! I pulled a 36:47. My friend Jose pulled a 34:17 I think. However, he just returned from leave in Hawaii and completed full handstand push-ups, not halfers like me. My handstand push-ups were terrible. My max shoulder press is 175, not 235. I know, I know... Lose the weight or grow some bigger muscles. Release the T! :-)