Saturday, October 25, 2008

26 October 2008


21-15-9 reps of:
Clean 135 pounds
Ring dips

Post time to comments.

Compare to 080506.


With a continuously running clock do one 135/85 pound clean the first minute, two 135/85 pound cleans the second minute, three 135/85 pound cleans the third minute . . . continuing for as long as you are able. Uses as many sets each minute as needed.


Anonymous said...

The pinch in my shoulder yesterday escalated to full out pain.

Substituted "Michael"

3 rds
800m run
50 sit ups
50 back extensions


Anonymous said...

JR, I redid your math from the 4x400 workout...

It's posted on that day's comments.

Unknown said...

Time: 4:40 using 70# (And really bad

CrossFit Endurance WOD:
All out efforts (rowed with Jen):
3 rounds, 2 min total rest between rounds
30sec on,30 off, 30 sec on 25 off 30 sec on 20 off, 30 on 15 off 30 on 10 off 30 on 5 off 30 sec on Rest. Did rowing & it took about 19ish min

Unknown said...

Oh yeah...and a HUGE THANK YOU to Julia for entertaining the kids so I could concentrate 100% felt great to really focus and I couldn't have done it with w/o Miss Julia

Rick510 said...

Elizabeth: 7:43 (pr)

Wasn't feeling it while I was doing it, but I'll take it.

Jen said...

Elizabeth: 8:38 (i think that's right)

And Crossfit Endurance with Michelle! I'm pooped!

Ditto Julia! Thanks for watching my monster!

D. Frazier said...

I went with the ladder on the cleans 85# a disappointing 5+5 rounds.

*Not sure what was up but my right wrist kept giving out on me I had to stop and tape up and still on the last round 4xs my wrist wouldn't rotate to give me the 6th one. Rather annoying... I think the weight might have just been too heavy for me after taking 3 weeks off and should have only used 75.