Thursday, July 16, 2009

17 July 2009

30 Muscle-ups for time

Post time to comments.

If you cannot do the muscle-ups do 120 pull-ups and 120 dips.

Compare to 090529.



For time:
Snatch 135 pounds, 30 reps

Use 95 pounds, 65 pounds or broomstick as needed and post time and load to comments.


Katie said...

I should not have read this tonight! Man, this is going to suck!!!

Ashley said...

I did the ALT "Isabel" with 85# in 8:53 (with squat snatch). I'll go heavier next time. Best part of today was getting 2 muscle ups in a row :)

D. Frazier said...

Isabel 55# HPS 4:24

* don't usually time anymore, but started same time as Jess.

Anonymous said...

Nice work Ashley!

Isabel 5:03@65#


Natalie said...

Haad to workout in the local gym here, was impressed with the fact that te had bumper plates, but couldnt go heavy cause the bar was peeling off the skin.


Did a circuit 3 rounds
FS 65 x15
push ups 10

20 running interval, about 2 milesish

had to make up for all the lebanese food my mom made the night i got here, and she made my favorite, defenitly no portion control

Rick510 said...

cfwu x 1 (minus pullups / dips)

1 x 5 x 45
1 x 5 x 135
1 x 5 x 185
1 x 5 x 225
3 x 5 x 245

10 x 2 x 126.5 w/ 30 sec rest

Complete 12 Half Gassers at the top of each minute.

12 x 96m row (@ :20 per)